[UNIFORMES] – Military uniforms in America. A series for collectors.
Washington (D.C.), Company of military collectors & historians, s.d., (1953-
58), petit in-folio, 80 planches en couleurs, en feuilles, sous chemises de
carton souple, dans portefeuille demi-percaline noire à coins et à lacets.

Tirage limité à 300 exemplaires numérotés à la main (85 / 300).
Intéressant ensemble se composant de livraisons de 4 planches chacune,
mélangeant les différentes époques de l’histoire militaire américaine,
entendue d’ailleurs au sens large (incluant aussi troupes loyalistes, Canada
et Mexique).
Nous avons :
1. Glovers Marblehead or Marine infantry (n° 65). – 2. Colonel Richard M.
Johnson’s regiment, Kentucky mounted volunteers, 1813 (66). – 3. 2nd
Regiment, New Hampshire volunteer militia, 1861 (67). – 4. “Duncan light
battery”, a company, 2nd U.S. artillery (68). – 5. 2nd U.S. light Dragoons
(69). – 6. U.S. Navy, service dress, 1862-63 (70). – 7. U.S. Marine Corps, field
service dress, 1859-68 (71). – 8. 7th Regiment, National guard State of New
York, 1880-1900 (72). – 9. Onate expedition, 1597-98 (73). – 10. British
60th Foot, 1756-60 (74). – 11. United States naval officers and seamen,
1812-1815 (75). – 12. Standards of the 10th U.S. cavalry, 1888-1890 (76).
– 13. The New Jersey Regiment, 1755-1764 (77). – 14. Webb’s continental
regient, 1777-1781 (78). – 15. 8th Regiment, New York State militia, 1850-70
(79). – 16. 5th Company, Washington artillery of New Orleans, 1862-64 (80).
– 17. New York rifle corps, 1809-15 (81). – 18. 3rd U.S. infantry regment,
1846-51 (82). – 19. Terry’s Texas rangers, 1864 (83). – 20. 7th Regiment,
National Guard State of New York, 1900-05 (84). – 21. The French Regiment
of Carignan, 1665-68 (85). – 22. Independant Boston fusiliers, 1787 (86). –
23. 2nd U.S. cavalry, 1855-61 (87). – 24. The first city troop of Cleveland,
Ohio, 1877-81 (88). – 25. Hesse-Cassel artillery company, 1776-77 (89). –
26. 4th U.S. infantry Regiment, 1835-42 (90). – 27. The citadel Academy,
South carolina, 1843 (91). – 28. 71st Regiment, New York State militia, 1857-
61 (92). – 29. 18th Continental infantry, 1776 (93). – 30. Staff officers, 1813
(94). – 31. Regiment of riflemen, 1812-15 (95). – 32. 6th Pennsylvania cavalry,
1862 (96). – 33. Roger’s rangers, 1756-60 (97). – 34. British 85th Regiment,
1814 (98). – 35. Sussex light Dragoons, Virginia State cavalry (99). – 36. 18th
U.S. infantry, 1949-53 (100). – 37. Hesse-Cassel field Jäger Corps, 1776-83
(101). – 38. 18th U.S. infantry, 1814-15 (102). – 39. 1st Regiment of Rhode
Island, 1861 (103). – 40. Battery K, 1st U.S. artillery, 1895-98 (104). – 41. U.S.
Marine corps, 1834-40 (105). – 42. Mexican army (1835) (106). – 43.The City
Guard, Petersburg, Virginia, 1860 (107). – 44. 8th U.S. tank destroyer group,
1945 (108). – 45. Virginia colonial militia, 1611-15 (109). – 46. Alexandria
Dragoons, 1810 (110). – 47. U.S. corps of cadets, 1853-61 (111). – 48. Feigl
battery, 7th U.S. field artillery regiment, 1925-26 (112). – 49. U.S. marine
corps, 1798-1804 (113). – 50. U.S. army officers in social full dress, 1808-
12 (114). – 51. New York city guards, 1857-61 (115). – 52. 79th Regiment,
New York State militia, 1860-61 (116). – 53. British 42rd Regiment of foot,
1759-60 (117). – 54. Dover light infantry company, Delaware militia, 1776-
77 (118). – 55. 3rd Regiment, New York State artillery, 1807-12 (119). – 56.
Medical department, 1861-65 (120). – 57. Commander-in-chief’s guard,
1777-83 (121). – 58. 9th New York volunteer infantry regiment, 1861-63
(122). – 59. 69th Regiment, National Guard, State of New York, 1869-84
(123). – 60. U.S. marine corps, 1955 (124). – 61. Delaware troops of horse,
1808-10 (125). – 62. Midshipmen, 1852-69 (126). – 63. Gulford Grays, North
Carolina militia, 1860 (127). – 64. Lafayette escadrille, 1916-17 (128). – 65.
Pioneers, 25th U.S. infantry, 1814 (129). – 66. U.S. marine corps, 1826 (130).
– 67. Captain Carwford’s battalion of Apache scouts, 1885-86 (131). – 68.
1st U.S. Dragoons, 1858-61 (132). – 69. 36the Illinois infantry regiment,
1863 (133). – 70. Colonel Brisbane’s regiment, South Carolina militia, 1836
(134). – 71. Cleveland Grays, 1890-1900 (135). – 72. 3rd New Jersey cavalry
regiment, 1864-65 (136). – 73. The Lake superior regiment, Canadian army,
1945 (137). – 74. Citadel cadet battery, 1861 (138). – 75. DeMeuron’s Swiss
regiment, 1814-16 (139). – 76. Boston troop of light Dragoons, 1802-10
(140). – 77. Anhalt-Zerbst infantry regiment, 1778-83 (141). – 78. U.S. corps
of artificers, 1812-15 (142). – 79. U.S. Navy officers in full dress, 1852-62
(143). – 80. Porto Rico provisionel regiment of infantry, 1901-07 (144).

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